------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- INSTALL NOTES PD & PDP on osx.3 -------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Before you start make a new folder on your desktop called pd_install 01 :: install the developer tools [installers/developertools/developer.mpkg] 02 :: install X11User.dmg 03 :: install TclTkAqua-8.4.4.dmg 04 :: install PureData-0.37.1_MacOSX-(0.2.5)-TclTk8.4.dmg 05 :: open the terminal [Applications/Utilities/Terminal.app] 06 :: Make a root password by doing the following: type: sudo passwd root The first password you have to give is your USER password. Press Enter Then you have to give a new password which will be your ROOT password. Re-enter this password to confirm your new ROOT password. To become root [which allows you to act as a superuser] you open up a terminal and type: su and enter your ROOT password. 07 :: NOTE: [Wherever you see type your own username] [When you have to type your password, you have to give your USER password.] Open up a new terminal window and type: sudo cd /Users//Desktop/pd_install sudo cp pdp_pidip_osx.tar.gz / sudo cd / sudo tar xvfz pdp_pidip_osx.tar.gz 08 :: type in your terminal: sudo cp /usr/local/lib/pd/pdp_pidip_osx/fonts/* /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF 09 :: type in your terminal: sudo pico .pdrc [password is USER password] [pico is an editor in your terminal] 10 :: copy the pdrc.txt in your terminal window while pico is running. save the .pdrc file by pressing ctrl-x and type YES [no capitals] when it asks to save your changes. 11 :: type in your terminal: sudo pico /Applications/pd.command 12 :: copy the pdcommand.txt in your terminal window while pico is running. save the pd.command file by pressing ctrl-x and type YES [no capitals] when it asks to save your changes. 13 :: Now you should be ready to start pd! In order to start pd, you have to start your X11 server which you can find in /Applications/Utilities/X11 [drag the X11-icon and the Terminal icon to your dock so you don't have to find it everytime you want to use pd] 14 :: in order to start pd, type in your terminal: /Applications/pd.command 15 :: pd should start and you will see in your terminal that libraries and externals as pd pdp pidip and GEM are loaded. If this doesn't happen, you can try to start pd with: sudo /Applications/pd.command 16 :: if any questions occur, or pd still doesn't work you can try to find in the archives of the pd-mailinglist [http://iem.at/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/pd-list] the answer to your question. Otherwise, you can email me at sara@umatic.nl NOTE: If you use pdp, the moviefiles need to be in the following format: quicktime movie with photo-jpeg codec ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------